A Timer for Modern C++

core::timer::Timer is a header-only timer for modern C++. The timer is designed for minimal-overhead, ad-hoc timing of C++ code including micro-timing down to single machine instructions. The timer is not designed for benchmarking (benchmark or nanobench are excellent tools for this purpose) nor for detailed performance analysis.

Brief Tour

The timer has two basic modes:

  • Inovking run on isolated code for in vivo measurements.

  • Using start and stop timer calls for in vitro measurements.

In Vivo Example

The run method is designed to repeatedly execute isolated code in order to measure the average cost per operation. Modern compilers, taking advantge of the C++ standard’s “as if” rule, will often eliminate code that produces no visible side-effects making this type of measurement difficult.

The timer library provides the core::timer::doNotOptimizeAway function which forces the compiler to materialize the given expression either in memory or in a register. The compiler is still allowed to fully optimize the expression given that single constraint.

The following example demonstrates using the run method coupled with the doNotOptimizeAway function to measure the cost of performing an integer addition (i.e. output += 1). Without the doNotOptimizeAway call, a typical outcome is for the compiler to eliminate all of the computation since there are no visible side-effects.

#include <iomanip>
#include <iostream>
#include "core/timer/timer.h"

using namespace core;

int main(int argc, const char *argv[]) {

    unsigned int output{};
    auto ns = timer::Timer().run(1'000'000, [&]() {
	    output += 1;
    std::cout << std::setprecision(2) << ns << " nanoseconds per operation" << std::endl;
    // 0.31 nanoseconds per operation
    return 0;

In Vitro Example

The start and stop methods can be used to instrument code as it exists without isolating it to be executed by run. On a modern platform, each invocation of start and stop costs tens of clock cycles, thus, they are designed to be applied to more significant code segments.

The following example demonstrates using the start and stop methods to measure the cost of an exclusive or performed in a loop. Referencing the output variable at the end serves the same function as the doNotOptimizeAway function in the previous example; it forces the compiler to actually do the computation.

#include <iostream>
#include "core/timer/timer.h"

using namespace core;

int main(int argc, const char *argv[]) {
    timer::Timer timer;
    unsigned int output{};
    for (auto i = 0; i < 10'000; ++i)
		output ^= i;

    auto ns = timer.elapsed().count();
    std::cout << ns << " nanoseconds" << std::endl;
    std::cout << output << std::endl;
    // 3150 nanoseconds
    return 0;


git clone https://github.com/cpp-core/pp
mkdir pp/build && cd pp/build
CC=clang-mp-14 CXX=clang++-mp-14 cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$HOME/opt ..
make -j4 check # Run tests
make install   # Do the install

To build the documentation (requires doxygen and sphinx-build to be installed)::

CC=clang-11 CXX=clang++11 cmake -DCORE_DOCS ..
make cxx_core_pp_docs # root of html tree is docs/html/index.html


Timer is part of the cpp-core* family of C++ libraries. The cpp-core libraries have two primary goals:

  • Ergonomics. In the spirit of the CppCoreGuideLines, cpp-core aspires to facilitate writing concise, idiomatic code not by force, but by providing a clear path that produces robust, easy to read code. Good code should be fun to write.

  • Components. Modern language platforms provide broad support for first-class library components, while C++ has traditionally only provided a minimal standard library. cpp-core aspires to provide support for a broad range of libraries that feel like part of the language.


This software is licensed under the BSD 3-clause license. See the LICENSE file for details.
